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C.Nichole/News /It’s 2015!

It’s 2015!

It’s 2015!

Yeah…I should totally check in more lol. Well let me start by saying, Happy 2015! I want to thank all the internet radio and college stations that have been playing songs from “Coup d’Etat”. I’m in the finishing stages of editing “Why” and “Like That, Like That”. Of course, those videos won’t be released until later on within the year, but I’m loving the visuals. I will be traveling a lot this year, and I like to meet new people; especially those that enjoy my music. So far I’ve already booked travel to New Orleans, Houston, Denver, North Carolina (several cities), Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, Seattle and again this year to Los Angeles and it’s only February; so if you’re around, let me know. TTYS!