Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.



Powerful women get shit done! Hatshepsut, the woman pharaoh of Kemet (ancient Egypt) definitely did just that. "HATSHEPSUT" is a reminder that powerful women lead and command respect; either fall in line and support the vision or move out of...


What will be your legacy? What will people remember you by? Did you live in your purpose? Did you do what's right? Did you stand for something bigger than you? These questions should drive your daily actions. This is the...


If you look at history, wanting your people to own their own blocks and also govern themselves is only seen as hostile if it's regarding people of African descent. Fuck all that. From colonialism to Jim Crow to neocolonialism, when we progress, just leave our...


When is enough enough? The military fatigue and black should tell you it's time for a revolution. The disillusioned, programmed-packaged music isn't going to cut it in the long run if there is growth to be had, especially regarding mindsets....


Back to the Tribal Trill genre with PAN AFRICAN THINK TANK VOL. 2. But this time, I wanted to take the stories of the great ancestors: Hatshepsut, Nzinga, Toussaint, Malcolm, and put them into song form, something that resonates with...


With all the talk of people trying to erase history that makes them feel uncomfortable, I'm trying to amplify it. History is important to learn about and learn from. We mustn't forget those who have fought for freedom. So I'm...

You Have Gotten Me (So Used To You)

It was so cold when we filmed the music video but we got it done and you'll never know lol. R&B vibes in time for the winter so press play...

You Should Know

Hard-hitting beat; music video filmed in Johannesburg and Soweto, South Africa; Pan African Think Tank reppin'; "I said what I said" vibe. Press play...

Christin SanDiego Vol. 2!

I wanted to bring the Urban Pop back, so Christin SanDiego Vol. 2 is here! More music videos around the world, of course, it's my thing. We shot in Antigua, Guatemala, and Johannesburg, South Africa. I want to shoot another...

Back In The Day (Homies)

The thing about being a songwriter is your words are cemented in time. I wanted to write an autobiographical song about my childhood and teenage years. I wanted "Back In The Day (Homies)" to paint a picture so vivid that...


I'm always up to something. I am one of the founders of Wombilee, the natural menstrual pad company! During my non-profit trips within Africa and Latin America, I learned about the significant number of females who miss their studies simply...


I had to take it back to my late 90s/early 00s R&B roots. When I first started writing songs, they were mostly love songs, so with "LOVE," I'm truly taking it back to my roots! There's so much negativity being...

The Reign: North and South America

I'm now the author of three (3) books! "The Reign: North and South America" is the second book from The Reign series. I'm taking this author thing to another level while learning how to combine it with my music, especially...


"KING" is out now, and I am so stoked for this music video! Visually this is the best music video I've filmed to date. The scenery in Togo (West Africa) was amazing. This was also the sickest I've ever been...


I never had any intentions of creating a new genre and coming out with a project while still having another volume project going. I wanted to get the word out more about Pan African Think Tank, the non-profit. So yes,...